Sunday, January 1, 2012

Obligatory New Years Post

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope last night was fun and you didn't do too much you regret this morning. I added a single shot of rum to a vanilla milkshake, then toasted at midnight with some entirely non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider. Wild.

I'll confess I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. They tend to peter our for several reasons. Still it's nice to think about what the new year might bring. So here's a list of things I want to do that are in no way actual resolutions.

1. Make a garden: This is in progress right now. I've attempted it in years prior, but always with too little planning and too little time. I have blueprints and lists and everything this time.

2. Bs or better: Really I'm very pleased with myself when I pass a class, especially given that I'm now venturing into chemistry and higher level math. I do not have natural talent in either subject. However I'm really hoping to raise my GPA so I can be a little more competitive when it comes time to send out transfer applications. The "good enough" grades aren't good enough.

3. Travel: It's not that I don't, but my traveling seems to be related to the animals most of the time. There's a show here, we need to go here to pick this up...I appreciate those opportunities, but it's not quite the same as traveling for the sake of travel. When I do travel it tends to be to the same handful of destinations. On the one hand I keep going to those same places because I love them. On the other hand, there's a lot of California I haven't seen. I've started clipping destinations for day or weekend trips out of magazines and sticking them in a jar. The idea is when I have the money and inclination I pull one out and go. We'll see how this system works.

I'm also not a big believer in overburdening oneself with too many changes at once. So I think these three are good for now. I've been taking it easy while I'm on break but I know in a couple of weeks I'm going to find myself very very busy.

Finally, to start the New Year off right, have some eggs!
Mmm, eggs.

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